Debug mode in gulp
I’ve been using gulp a lot lately (as you can see from my posts).
Super simple static server in gulp
I recently spent a lot of time looking for a decent way to:
Checkout git branches through your browser
Most git workflows involve use of multiple branches for different sub-tasks, example, a new branch for an alternative layout for the homepage. However, managing braches on the server quicky gets tedious – SSHing in, navigation to the correct directory, then running
git checkout <branch>
– is tiring for all, right?.Using gulp at MakeUseOf
At MakeUseOf, since the start of the new theme, we simply wrote plain ‘ol CSS and normal JS. No cool stuff like concatenation of compression or minification. Plain code, edited and uploaded through Filezilla.
Super easy deployment with Git and Bitbucket
Git is the one of the best version control system around, and bitbucket offers unlimited free private repos. What’s left is a simple way to deploy to your server every push.
Redesigning Symmetrycode
I just moved from Bluehost to Digital Ocean (for reasons outlined below), and also started on a redesign for Symmetrycode.
Design like you’ll post it to Dribbble
Recently, I’d say I’ve been ‘plagued’ with creating designs that are in my ‘comfort zone’ and are simple and easy for me to make. I haven’t been innovating, in my opinion.