Facebook is a good way to get exposure for your blog, and for that, we use a fan page, which almost everybody has. I have two, for my two blogs. I usually share the articles manually on my profile, but use an app (RSS Graffiti) to post I just made a discovery, that it is not good to use an app to post, and that you will get more readers if you don’t. Know what is the difference between a manual post and an app post, and know why it is always best to post manually.

Manual Posts Pros-

  • They appear normally, everywhere. As manual posts are just like setting your status on facebook, facebook doesn’t bias them, and they appear in updates, notifications an others, naturally. One of the worst things about app post is that it doesn’t appear in the ticker bar (the bar above your chat, which some deem annoying)
  • No logo, No one else profits other than you. If you have syndicated your blog sometime using an app, you must have seen a logo, some text like ‘Using/Posted by x app’, where ‘x’ is the app name. It doesn’t look good, right?
  • More customization. If you are posting manually, you have full control on what you set as main text, whereas, an app may just use the title text as the description, and you don’t always require so.
  • They are ‘clubbed’ together, which make them bigger. Posting manually also has another great benefit, which is, that they are ‘clubbed’ together. For example, ‘x and y shared a link’, where x an y are your pages. Any person who has liked them both, and you share the link to both of them, will increase visibility, and result in more clicks.

Manual Posts Cons-

  • They do not offer tracking, impressions, and other features. You may like your blog syndicator as it gives you detailed statistics on who clicks it, and how many times it appeared. The same is not possible for posts made manually.
  • They are time consuming. This is the main reason why people switch to automatic syndicators: Who has the time to post it on Facebook Walls, manually? The effort is increased when you have multiple fanpages (One for your name/brand, and one for the individual site/blog!)

This post has most probably explained you why posting manually is always better. One of my friend uses networkedblogs, and, I don’t get it in my ticker bar. I realized that this is the case for everyone! That is why I always recommend posting manually, though, you could stick with syndicators if you are plain tired to post yourself.