Hello Guys! You know, I have been practicing hard for the upcoming Code Warriors Intra. For that, I thought i had a good chance at DI , or Digital Imaging. But when I saw that WebD (Website Designing) and DI go together, I was worried. I came to know that DI was not much independently. So, I made it my aim to learn WebD. And the most surprising and cool part, I made this aim yesterday, and now I’m done! All thanks to the help of Dreamweaver, and the invention of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). So. What is WYSIWYG? WYSIWYG is a environment in which what you do is shown in GUI (Hence WYS) and what you are shown is the end product (Hence WYG) As it is GUI , it is very easy and can be learned quickly. A software that uses WYSIWYG is Adobe Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver helped me a lot, and is very good. I’ll be posting the tutorials later. Right now, I am super tired. been working from 2:30 am. Goodbye readers, I’m gonna make myself a light snack 🙂