I recently spent a lot of time looking for a decent way to:

  1. Set up livereload on gulp
  2. Set up a static server.

Here are my findings.

First, I tried using gulp-livereload and gulp-embedlr. Using them together was decent and they were pretty fast, however, they were too complex for my simple goal.

Everything changed when the fire nation attacked once I stumbled upon gulp-connect.

Using gulp-connect

This plugin is extremely simple to use, I set up a server in literally 5 lines of code:

gulp.task('connect', p.connect.server({  
  root: ['_public'],
  port: 4242,
  livereload: true

Yup, that’s it!
(p.connect = require('gulp-connect'), btw).

Live Reload

Now, to actually reaload the page on changes to tasks, we need to pipe p.connect.reload() on each task.

I’ve found that piping it after gulp.dest() is the fastest, so add

.pipe( gulp.dest( dest ) )
.pipe( p.connect.reload() );

At the end of each task.
(Where dest refers to the destination path).

Proper watching

I include all ‘partials’ in a subfolder, and all files that are to be compiled in the root folder.

e.g., Jade’s partials/templates go into folders jade/layouts or jade/partials, while main that are to be compiled, like, index.jade or about.jade go in the jade folder.

Therefore, I just run tasks on the root folders, not any of the subfolders.

This creates a problem with live reloading. It would only reload if any of the files from the root folder is changed, but not if the subfolder files are changed.

To fix this, here’s what I changed my watch task to:

gulp.task('watch', ['connect'], function() {  
  gulp.watch( `src/styl/*.styl`, `src/styl/**/*.styl`, ['styles'] );

This runs the styles task, compiles properly, and livereloads on every file changed.