Setting Up a Local Shopify Theme Development Environment in Seconds
A quick way to get a local shopify dev environment going:
Installation and Setting Up
The first step is to install ThemeKit.
Then, from your Shopify admin, Apps > ‘View Private Apps’ > Generate API Credentials with “Theme Templates and Theme Assets” to “Read and write” (doesn’t matter what the rest are) > Save > Copy the ‘password’ and store it.
The Environment
If you want a new theme, then:
theme bootstrap --password=[password] --store=[]
If you want to use an existing theme, get the theme ID from the shopify admin. Go to Online Store > Themes and select “Edit HTML/CSS” on the theme you want a local environment of. Copy the digits at the end of the URL — this is your theme ID.
Then, configure and download with:
theme configure --password=[password] --store=[] --themeid=[your-theme-id]
theme download
Use theme watch
to run with a watcher on all the theme files and live-upload to the site.