• Nyan Cat, Just for Fun…

    Hiya Guys!
    Bringing to you, and Internet sensation, Nyan Cat!
    Here is the Video!

    Tell me, if you liked it or not in the Comments!

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  • Google Plus has released Games!

    Hiya Guys!

    Yep, you read that right. Google Plus, the latest Social Network, has released Games!
    Currently, it features only a few Games, including Angry Birds, Bejeweled, and Zynga Poker.

    Zynga Poker ?? Yes, it has released Zynga Poker too.. now, Facebook is not the only one with Zynga!….

    Here is a Direct Quote –

    “My family has a games closet. Inside you’ll find a few decks of cards, two decades’ worth of board games and a Twister mat for those times when we’re feeling limber. Playing games is a great way for us to spend quality time with each other (and a little healthy competition never hurt anyone either).Today we’re adding games to Google+. With the Google+ project, we want to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to the web. But sharing is about more than just conversations. The experiences we have together are just as important to our relationships. We want to make playing games online just as fun, and just as meaningful, as playing in real life.“

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  • Facebook is Going to Be Hacked by Hacktivist Group Anonymous on 5th November!

    Guys, Good and Bad News. - Facebook is Gonna be hacked and Gone, by hacktivist Anonymous.

    • Google + and Myspace are in for a profit.
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  • New Facebook Chat.. Again!

    Hey Guys, if you have seen, Facebook Rolled out a new Version of Facebook’s Chat. It Looks Something like this –

    It Features a lot of customization, and the best feature, it only shows online contacts !! It is resizable, the notifactions now come in the chat! More customisation options too! If you don’t have it yet, wait. I got it automatically when i logged in 😀

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  • New theme, and Adsense.

    Hola Guys!
    Got A New Theme.. Suits me, doesn’t it?
    Also, I discovered that my previous theme DID NOT support Adsense.
    But This one does!

    So w00t me! 😛

    Dont forget to like and Share!

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  • Latest Create-ioN.. Shobhit’s Header and Favicon

    Hola Guys!
    Today I made a Favicon AND a header for Shobhit Jethani’s Social Networking Site.

    Here it is –
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  • New Theme..

    Hola Guys ! As you may have seen, i’ve added a new theme. That is because (most probably) my previous theme did not support adsense. So, i’m using this (temporarily). I’ve chosen a new theme, but i’m just testing too see that can I have adsense or not.

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