Facebook music will be made to listen and Share music with your friends. It will be like other famous online music. It is reported by Ben Parr on Mashable that Facebook will Partner with Music services like Spotify, MOG and Rdio for its new feature.

Music on Facebook

The Media and Music Service Will be launched at the f8 developer conference on Sept. 22.
According to some sources, it is said that Facebook will not host the music, but instead will rely on its partners to send it. It would be something like it uses games and apps.

Yeah, Facebook will let it’s users enjoy unlimited Music for all its users. Music Sharing Sites have always been famous, starting with Napster.

If Facebook launches Facebook Music Globally, more than 750 million people will be able to listen music and share it with their friends on their news feed. It is thought that after the launch of Facebook Music, the feeds will contain mostly Music which is shared by your friends.

At the time, it is uncertain where the music player will be placed on Facebook. One thing is also expected that a user can listen to the music track non stop even if he browses through different pages. The only requirement would be to stay on Facebook.