DataWind has launched a commercial version of it’s tablet, Aakash. Previously, Aakash was meant for students, and was marketed by the name of ubislate. But now, DataWind is going to launch a new, commercial version, named Ubislate7.
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Continue Reading →The very awaited Aakash, also known as Ubislate, made by Datawind is now available for sale for Rs 2,500! You can order Ubislate now, an it will be delivered within a week! You can check out the features of Aakash Tab.
Recently, I made a page for TechnoSane on Google Plus. There was a feature called Google Plus Badges, which are a nice way to increase followers on G+. In this post I will be giving you the code, and why is it useful for you.
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So guys, you might not have heard from me from sometime. Sorry for that. The thing is, that, I have been practicing for webD (Web designing ) and am given semi-weekly assigments by @Sidharth Raja
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Bloggers all around the world write content and publish it, and are racing to be the best. For that, you need to have a ranking system. There are currently two main ranking systems, Google PageRank (Name from Google CEO Larry Page), and Alexa rank. This article will tell you how to check your ranks, as well as increase them.
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As promised, a new photo made. A mix of rajinakanth, and a futuristic city.. An awesome new movie coming soon…
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Sometimes, when you visit a website, it infinitely loads and you can’t access the page. This is because the server of the site are down due to a power cut/antimatter spawn/wiring problem/any other reason… We call the servers being off as the site being ‘down’. A Useful tool will tell you that is there a problem in your PC that you can’t access the site, or is the site down for everyone!
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