Contact me forms are very essential for bloggers. They provide a way to link readers and writers. A reader can ask questions or help, or even point out some errors for a webmaster to notice using contact forms. Contact forms also may help you advertisers, Guest Posters, and even people who ask you to review their product. In this 2 part tutorial, I will teach you how to make a contact me form using Google Docs, which will mail you whenever an entry is updated.

Setting up the form

  • Go To Google Docs
  • Click on “Create” and choose “Form”

  • Change/Make the first form item to Question Type “Text”. You can edit by clicking on the pencil icon. Change the Question Title To “Name”, “Full Name” or something of that sort. This will be your form item that asks for the name.
  • Change/Make the second one like that, but this time, the title should be “Email”
  • Then, create a new form item by clicking on “Add item” on the top left. Choose “Paragraph Text”
  • Edit this paragraph text’s title to “Message” or “Details” and it’s Type to “Paragraph Text” if not done already.

This would be for now. The tutorial would be continued, and later you would learn to embed the form in a webpage, and how to be alerted through email everytime someone submits the form.