All of us who:

  1. Program in Javascript
  2. Manipulate the DOM

Need to use document.getElementById on a regular basis.

The sad thing is that it’s not really effective. Just look at it’s size! Typing it out again and again would be a big pain…

How would it be if you could do this instead?"helloIAmAnIdWithA#");

Awesome, right? I call it a javascript shortcut. It’s better, smaller, easier to remember. Learn exactly how to do the above, and shorten other commonly used methods (I’m looking at you, document.getElementByTagName!)

Starting with getElementById

The concept for this is simple — you make a function that returns the intended method, with the correct name.


function iReturnIds(argument) {
  return document.iFetchIdsFromTheDom(argument);

Using this for document.getElementById gives us

function id(el) {
  return document.getElementById(el);

// Usage


Let’s see how it works.

The ‘id’ part is the function name.
The ‘el’ is an argument supplied by the user.
It returns document.getElementById(argumentByUser).

One of my friends wrote about shortening too!

Simple enough? It works, and works well. But here, it’s still bad, to make Javascript better, there is still scope for…

Improving the code

I’ve outlined in a previous post that globals are bad (Here’s why), but here, we’re using globals :/

A simple solution would be to make an object _, and place the shortcut as a method, like this.

var _ = {
  id: function(el) {
    return document.getElementById(el);

// Usage"domElement");

This would be an okay-ish solution, but a problem could arise if a library uses _ for something else.

Then, the solution would be to wrap all of this in your main object (This somewhat uses the module pattern) and then call a function with arguments as the object.

Confused? Here’s an example.

var MAINVARS = {
  _: {
    id: function(el) {
      return document.getElementById(el);

// Usage

(function(_) {"domElement");

This is some what of a complicated approach, as we’re using the module pattern and IIFEs.

Basically, we create a main object (Why? To avoid global clashes) that stores all of our variables. In that, we make a sub-object as a property (Why? Just a personal preference; code looks organised) named _.

_ has the method of id.

Then, we invoke a function expression, which takes the argument _

We pass MAINVARS.<em></em> as the argument (Why? So we can use `` instead of MAINVARS._, which is considerably longer)

Hope you understood! 🙂

Some of my favorite shortcuts

A loads of other things can be ‘shortened’, you just need an idea 🙂

Here are few of my favorites which I regularly use. I won’t be making the whole object here, that’s upto you 😉


Document.querySelector returns the first element from the document from the selector given.

function $(el) {
  return document.querySelector(el);

// Usage



Similar to querySelector, but returns all of the matched elements. Useful for classes and tags, where there can be more than one results.

function all(el) {
  return document.querySelectorAll(el);

// Usage



function t(toDo, time) {
    return setTimeout(toDo, time);


t(function() {
}, 200);