One of the features of iPhone 4S you would be using/hearing about/dreaming is the voice assistant app, Siri.

Siri changed the way of voice assistants. You now ask more ‘Natural’ Questions instead of Robotic ones (for example you’ll ask Siri – Will It rain tommorow, instead of the usual- Give me the weather reports of tommorow)

And, if you are a die-hard Android fan/love open source/Hate apple (I do all the three), you would be competing angry non-geeks telling them about how apple sucks, and telling them (which actually you are falsely believing) that Vlingo (or any any other speech-to-speech or speech-to-text) works better.

Now, a Siri-ous (You see what I did there?) competitor is in the market (literally, it’s in the Android Market) which is called…

*le drum rolls*

*le audience goes woaaaahhh*

iRis! (Yeah, the name is Siri in reverse) inspired from Siri, iRis aims for beating it.

You can ask iRis on any topic you want (just like Siri) and you can also use casual phrases…

Take note that iRis is in Alpha stage… So it may not recognize well/ may have bugs/ may have trouble doing stuff.

Fun Dev Fact – It took 8 hours to make. As I would say to a fellow female HitchHiker reader, iPhone ka katta ho gaya!

Currently, iRis gives fun responses. It is more sarcastic, more funny and (sometimes) angrier and ruder than your Siri. But it’s on Android, fellas! Open Source, Rejoice!

Currently, as iRis is still in the alpha stage, it’s not full developed. But, it says it could call, it could search and it could lookup for a contact. Still, people at Dexerta have designed a wonder which is sure to anger Apple.

iRis works on Android 2.2 and above, and requires ‘Voice Search’ and ‘TTS library’ to be installed (Most phones have it by default, so no worries) It features a ICS GUI.

It requires permissions for voice dialing, texting, searching and contacts look up (hope more come up soon)

You can see a video of iRis in action (take note that this was made BEFORE the functions of SMS, and phone, so the info is not up to date)

You can Download iRis from the app market. (Did GLaDOS came to anyone else’s mind after looking at it’s logo?)