If you are a blogger, you must have issues if your blog loading speed isn’t too slow. If it is, then, people may go away before the content even loads!

So here is a awesome tool for all those people worry about their page loading speed, and, it is by Google itself! It’s called the Page Speed Online Checker, and will give you detailed statistics on what you change and what you shouldn’t.

You enter your site in the box, and get details on what you should change to improve speed. Alternatively, you can copy paste


in your bar, replacing YOURSITE/BLOG with your site/blog. If you want to know the mobile one, then copy paste


with replacing SITE/BLOG with the url you want to check speed for.

What It Does-

First of all, it gives your site a score out of 100. This is in the ‘Overview’ Tab. The higher the score, the better. Take care that this may change in a few days, though not drastically (at max 5 points) especially if you have external javascript files. Take care of this score, and aim to get higher and better. More than 80 score is good, but, below than 70 is pretty bad. User running away level is less than 30. Currently, mine is around 90. (Pro tip: Tell yours in the comments!)

Then, it tells you what you need to do in order to improve the score. First it gives you suggestions, and then it gives you better practices that you need to follow long term.

How Suggestions work-

Suggestions give you three categories, or ‘priorities’, aptly labelled, High Priority, Medium Priority, and Low Priority.

To improve speeds, you should follow the high priority first. Luckily, Most Blogs do not have much to do to improve the high priority one, and if done, this doesn’t does much. In my opinion, if your blog is around 1 year old, you would get a good score, and do nothing at all. Google may give some difficult tasks for you, which are sometimes impossible to control if you are not on your own host. If you have a older blog, with lot of external javascript, this will help you.

Then, follow medium priority. Tasks in medium priority are usually easier than High Priority, and are often practical. As usual, these do not save much if your blog is less than a year, however, would be extremely helpful if it’s older, and you do not have much knowledge with your CMS (content management system, for example, Blogger or WordPress)

Last, but not the least, the low priority. If you think low priority is useless, think again. Low priority generally has the most number of issues, which get equal to issues by the other. Pay attention to it, on’t forget it.

What it Doesn’t do, and should be doing-

What Google Doesn’t do is give you detailed instructions on how to rectify the issue. Also, another problem is, it sometimes makes impossible demands, which are impossible with our default host of Blogger/Wordpress/Other, and so not practical at all.


Though google page speed online is a good tool, it should be improved with better suggestions. It has not helped me much really, but may help other people.