How to do X using Sequelize
I don’t know about you guys, but I always have an annoying time trying to figure out how to make Sequelize work — the documentation seems to have a dearth of examples. Here’s a few examples for “common” functionality.
Get plain objects instead of Sequelize Instances after bulkCreate
.then(results => => result.get({ plain: true }))) // Convert to plain
.then(items => console.log(items)) // Plain object array [{...}, {...}, ...]
Pretty easy, use .get({ plain: true })
on any Sequelize instance to convert it to a plain JavaScript object.
Sequelize bulkCreate but ignore any duplicates
models.Item.bulkCreate(values, {
ignoreDuplicates: true
Just use the ignoreDuplicates
option and pass it as the second argument.
Deleting a row
Delete is called destroy
, use it as so:
where: {
id: 42