If you have read my previous post regarding smart lists, you must have know what they are. Good thing is, they have finally released it to the general public!

If you live in India, you must have got it a few days before me, or you would be getting it a few days later. If you got it now, then Congrats! I’m gonna sum up some of its features in this post

The reason Smart Lists are different from normal is that Smart Lists update themselves, People are automatically added to smart lists.

First of all, have a look at my lists:

My lists in Facebook. Click to Enlarge

From these, some of them are created by me, and some are the smart lists. I have yet to clean up my lists, so that’s why you may be seeing double lists. The smart lists in these are –

Close friends (Donated by ‘Star’ Icon)

  • Facebook’s Description – Best friends who you want to see more of on Facebook.
  • Google Plus Reference : None
  • Adding – You have to manually add people to it
  • Use – Sharing personal information, pictures, or any other things that you trust only your best friends can keep (can also be used to stalk follow people closely, as facebook notifies you everytime they post something new)
  • Anonymity – Friends do not know if you have added them to this list or not
  • Other – Gives you a notification every time someone posts something. Can be changed.


  • Facebook’s Description – Friends you want to see less on your news feed
  • Google Plus reference – has a circle of that name
  • Adding – Manually
  • Use – Priority in your News feed. You get less clutter from a friend if you put him in this list
  • Anonymity – Friends do not know if you have added them or not.

Family (Denoted by home Icon)- Facebook’s Description – Your Close or Extended Family

  • Google Plus reference – Has circle of that name
  • Adding – Automatic, if you already have family added in FB. Can also be done manually.
  • Use – Priority in your Feed. Posts from Family are shown more
  • Anonymity – Person has to accept a request if you want to add him to your family

Area (Denoted by Location Pointer) /Education (Denoted by Graduation Cap) /Workplace Lists - Facebook’s Description – For Area : Friends who live within 10 miles (radius of 10 miles can be changed) of Area / For School : Friends who have gone to School

  • Google Plus Reference – None
  • Adding – Automatic if people have listed that area/education/workplace to their profile. Can also be done manually
  • Use – To plan parties, or specific events corresponding to the area/education/workplace.
  • Anonymity – Person Does not Know.

Restricted List (Denoted by a White minus sign on a Red circle)- Facebook’s Description – Friends who can only see posts or profile info you make public

  • Google Plus reference – None
  • Adding – Manually
  • Use – To limit what you share with someone, without blocking him/her
  • Anonymity – Person Doesn’t know, as not to offend him

Also, one neat feature. If you have already created a list, you can merge it with the new smart list. Sleek huh?
Lists will now also start appearing in your ‘favorites’ sidebar, just like groups and pages do.

Lists appearing in the Sidebar

That’s what I think of the lists. Give your opinions in the Comments!