Aakash Tablet for Sale and Ubislate7 for Pre Order! Order now!
The very awaited Aakash, also known as Ubislate, made by Datawind is now available for sale for Rs 2,500! You can order Ubislate now, an it will be delivered within a week! You can check out the features of Aakash Tab.
Ubislate 7
Also, there is a new version of Aakash coming up, marketed by the name of Ubislate7. You can Pre-Order Ubislate7, and it is only for Rs 2,999.
I have given the features of Aakash Tab previously, and a post about the new, Ubislate 7, will be coming up shortly.
PS: I havn’t been posting recently, hitting a writers block and being injured, but I’m back! Hello World! KEVIN BABA KI JAI!