This is the first of a new series, Javascript Challenges, where I try and complete set challenges in the shortest time possible.
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JavaScript (commonly abbreviated to JS), the scripting language of the web. This post will be unlike others, this post has my story, my journey, of how I learnt (and am learning) the beautiful language.
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If you design websites, you surely would be making textures for them in Photoshop. The most tiring thing is to change the background color each time you wish to use it somewhere else. The solution to this annoyance is simple – make transparent, seamless backgrounds.
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Fonts, fonts, fonts. It seems you can never have plenty.
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Slab fonts are usually thick, bold fonts, with emphasized serifs (those little flair thingys at the end of letters).
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Transition allows gradual change from one state to another state. It is used with the :hover state, which gives beautiful links, buttons, and headings. This article will list a few, creative uses of transitions, which could be used to make buttons, body text, or headings look better.
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Web design standards are continuously changing. You can never be a good web designer, unless you are up to date with the latest design trends. Even a month old knowledge is outdated in the field of web design. To be along with latest web trends, you need to be updated with happenings in the design world, which design blogs tell about the best. Along with keeping you up, they often include tutorials, quizzes, freebies, and go into depths of each portion (Example, Responsive Web Design, Modal boxes, F layout, and the sort).
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