• Poll Draw !

    Sadly, there has been a draw in the poll… and I haven’t got much time, preparing for the finals, so I cannont make the movie… so… Sorry…..

  • Just an Announcement….

    Hiya Guys! If you had seen that i had a movie on soil which is not here, I am very sad to tell you that it had some incorrect information, and it didn’t have a ‘play’ box, so i removed it. Sorry. Also, i lost the Source files, so I can’t edit it. If you didn’t see the movie, it never existed O_O :P. So, I am here to tell you how to comment, and ask you a few things. 1st of all, to comment, you just gotta click the name of the post, and type in your name and email ID. Enter what you want in the box below, and just click submit! Your views and feedback will greatly help me! Also, you will also notice the ‘like’ button in the post, please click on it to encourage me 🙂 . Finally, there are a number of other buttons on the bottom of each post, please click them too 😀 . Thnx in advance!

  • Effects you can get!

    Heyo! Now you can get effects in your pics! Just see these, and comment number wise! Here you go –

  • No Cuts or marks!!

    Hiya! As you may have known, during the annual day, i had a bad cut. it was not appealing AT ALL!! So, i photoshopped it 😀 Here it is ->

  • Quizzes!!!

    Yay! Finally done with the Quiz! Now I have made a totally new style, different from those of the quizzes of Madhvi or Tvara or Shobhit. Now you can tell me the colours you want! I now display the score at the end, new tickboxes/cross boxes and new glossy looking icons! Now, to get yourself a quiz, just comment! Type in your correct Email ID, so I can mail the stuff to you. Comment that you want a quiz, and tell me its colours. The rest we will do on mail. You won’t really want it by comments, because then if one of your friends reads the comment, and sees the answers, he/she will have a easy time answering! So I advise you to enter the correct email ID! Happy Quiz-getting!

  • Done!

    Hey Akshat, there you go with your photo! Here is a cool metallic effect, and I added a thing I learnt for an awesome background 😉 hope you like it!

  • Seeking… inspiration

    So umm… Hiya guys… I made this post to ask you a question. As you know, I am being toooooo lazy in making the quiz and the movie… I feel i’m not ‘inspired’ enough. So, tell me, what are your best sources of inspiration? Comment and Tell!