Hola again pals.
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So, you see , I’m on google+ . (as on my previous post)
and, I was just trying out the Hangouts! Feature.
Though it sounds good, I had one big complaint:
For example, I was looking for some people because I had to schedule more people to come on cs (Counter Strike) tonight. But! Alas! Google+ Cannot name the hangout!!! Though video chat is fun, it’s just not my type…
and you can’t import your calender too! So I couldn’t schedule a event!
Guess I’ll have to wait… -
Hello my friends!
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So, long time no see, huh?
So, as you might have heard the news, Google + , the latest social networking project by Google is now out.
Though it is only available in field trial (Google’s way of saying beta testing) and ID’s can be created by invite
only, one of my friend, Tanay, sent me an invite. Check out his blog sometime Taaazz’s Tech .
So, back to the topic. I was saying, that i got into Google +.
You can find it’s features here, if you havent already.
After you see them, keep on visiting, as i will be posting a lot of tips and tricks to enhance your experience. -
Hola Guys! Big news today.. you know, the PSN Network is back!!! w0000000t… First, I’m gonna make a PSN ID , and then test a few features of it…Plz share your PSN ID’s with me too, guys 😀 (Although the procedure of making a ID is very annoying on PSP)
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Hello Guys! You know, I have been practicing hard for the upcoming Code Warriors Intra. For that, I thought i had a good chance at DI , or Digital Imaging. But when I saw that WebD (Website Designing) and DI go together, I was worried. I came to know that DI was not much independently. So, I made it my aim to learn WebD. And the most surprising and cool part, I made this aim yesterday, and now I’m done! All thanks to the help of Dreamweaver, and the invention of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). So. What is WYSIWYG? WYSIWYG is a environment in which what you do is shown in GUI (Hence WYS) and what you are shown is the end product (Hence WYG) As it is GUI , it is very easy and can be learned quickly. A software that uses WYSIWYG is Adobe Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver helped me a lot, and is very good. I’ll be posting the tutorials later. Right now, I am super tired. been working from 2:30 am. Goodbye readers, I’m gonna make myself a light snack 🙂
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Hiya Guys! Some of you may know that I am trying hard to enter the Code Warriors… for the CW , I chose Creative Events, and so had to make a Presidential Campaign, for one of my favorite cartoon character. So, ofcourse, I chose to make one about Homer Simpson… The show comes at 8:30 , at Star World.. see it sometime…
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Hola guys! Regular readers must be knowing by now that I am sound editing..So, here’s another song for you guys!! The song’s name is “When I Come Around – Greenday” I’ve modified it’s speed and tempo, and have added some effects. Tutorials for these things will be coming up soon… Most Probably by Tuesday or something..
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Now, to present you the song!! -
Hello guys! Just brushing up my sound editing skillz, and I came up with a remix of Fade to Black by Metallica!
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