Hola Guys ! As you may have seen, i’ve added a new theme. That is because (most probably) my previous theme did not support adsense. So, i’m using this (temporarily). I’ve chosen a new theme, but i’m just testing too see that can I have adsense or not.
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Google Plus, the latest Social Network, Changed it rules about invites.
Now, it has a limit of only 150 invites.
Maybe, that is a indication that it will soon be available to public,
or they just want to stop people from inviting TOO many people.
Whatever the cause, it now limits.Info about G+ : Google.com/Plus
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If you want, buy invites here : Selling G Invites -
Hola guys ! Sorry I forgot to upload pics yesterday, so I made two today! First is Mesh, kinda like the interior of Computers (Copper Wires) and the Universe (Flying Magical Bubbles :P) Here it is –
This is the Second Pic, Sludge. Kinda inspired from Pokemon’s Sludge 😛(Click for full size)
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Hola Guys!
I’ve vowed to make 5 Images per week. Wanna get into CW DESPERATELY.
So, I start with the ‘never ending image’ (pun intended :P)
I’ve named it : Infinite. Check it out
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Hello guys,
Recently, got too damn bored of the regular Blogger Favicon.
I decided to create my own!
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Nice na? Only took 15 min to make 😀 -
Hello Guys, Presenting to you the Tips and Tricks for power users….Lots of power user ideas here. Btw guys, always use the G Chrome browser, as G+ loads much faster in chrome, and it has got many extensions too!
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Hello guys! Using Google+ for a time now.. But there has been a problem. Whenever I upload pictures, videos or anything interesting, I have to upload them BOTH on G+ and fb. Pretty Tiring.
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